Superb Speakers and Consultants 12407 Mopac Expressway North #100-199 Austin, Texas 78758-2429 1.800.795.0493 |
Speaker Profile: Louis J. De Rose, CMC, MBA | |
Location of Speaker: San Diego, CA | |
Fees: $6,000 - $9,000 | |
Speech Titles
Louis J. DeRose's Clients Comments: "Lou De Rose clearly provides a well-defined and precise view of the commercial buyer/seller relationship and process." Unisys Corp. Vice President, Corporate Procurement _____________ "De Rose hits the target. He exudes pragmatic, hard-hitting experience-proven ideas, which every general manager should take time to contemplate". Becton Dickinson Corp. Group Vice President _____________ "Lou De Rose has elevated our thought process by integrating needs to the pinnacle of Value". Sheldahl Corporation President & CEO _____________ "Thanks for the superb job. My colleagues and I expected a great deal from your presentation, and you delivered in spades." Combustion Engineering Vice President Procurement _____________ " Mr. De Rose is recognized as the outstanding authority on Supply Chain Management. He is a dynamic speaker and arouses a great deal of enthusiasm". IBM Corporation Corporate Director Purchasing ________________________ Titles of Articles: "Meet Today's Buying Influences with Value Selling" - Journal of Marketing Management _____________ "Selling Value" - Computer Systems News _____________ "Pricing Isn't Enough" - Electronic Buyers News _____________ "Negotiating Value" - Sales and Marketing Management _____________ "Why Technology Providers Fail" - Microsoft Access (Online ________________________ |