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Speaker Profile

Judith Anderson

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Location of Speaker: Newark, N.J.
Fees: $5,000 - $10,000

  • After Dinner
  • Keynote
  • Seminar Leader
  • Trainer
  • Consultant - Process
  • Developing Workplace Leadership
  • Teambuilding
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Mediation Skills
  • Setting and Reaching Shared Business Goals
  • Collaboration (Creating a Workplace that Works for
Speech Titles

  • Taking the High Road to the Bottom Line
  • New Leadership Skills for Accelerating Productivity in Stressful Times
  • The Changing World of Work: Creating Collaborative Workplaces
  • Beyond Greed, Backstabbing and Defeatism: How to Manage with Grace
  • Workplace Nirvana: Using Emotional Energy At Work
About This Speaker:

Judith Anderson's Clients Give Greats Motivation - Reviews:

"Anderson's engaging style and practical skills create a conviction that anything is possible. Our work together has enabled me to accomplish my goals in half the time it formerly took. My team and I have doubled our productivity levels under her guidance."

V.P. Aventis Pharmaceuticals

"Anderson's teachings and insight have released passion within our company. We have stopped a lot of our unproductive "blaming" we go for the learning. What she articulates is possible."

President, Myron Corporation

"Judith Anderson brings forth a whole new perspective on how understanding human
relationships and behaviors in organizations is the key to productivity."

President, Cardinal HealthCare

"The process of learning about barriers and weaknesses through our experiences with
others and then, through introspection, learning to modify our own behavior, is truly an "enlightened approach to higher productivity."

Senior VO and CIO, Union Pacific

"Judith Anderson addresses the next frontier of corporate improvement in a highly unique and
effective way. Unquestionably, she offers a tremendous tool for any corporate manager."

President, Albert's Organics

Judith Anderson's Credentials:

Partner, Anderson & Rust Consultants and; MS in Economics, MA in Spiritual Psychology

Author of the book - Corporate Nirvana


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